#Health / Industry

Mali Mocni

Your child has just completed hospitalisation in a cancer hospital, but you still need reassurance if the test results during the course of treatment indicate need to contact the doctor. If so, then Mali Mocni is the app for you.

In the first version, we are making an app primarily for parents and possibly onco-young people. With an initial analysis of symptoms and blood results, parents can ascertain whether their child needs an urgent medical consultation.

We work within a pediatric oncology living lab, operating in a real-world environment, using iterative processes across the innovation lifecycle to create lasting impact.

Through our work, we ensure rapid prototyping, testing and bringing shared value to the stakeholders involved.

The collaboration between PSNC FL and the Department of Paediatric Oncology, Haematology and Transplantology in Poznań and the Foundation for Helping Children with Cancer is ongoing and involves further iterative development of the app.


Sectors of the quadruple helix worked on a solution


People involved in the project


Parameters tested by the app

In the first version, we are making an app primarily for parents and possibly onco-young people. With an initial analysis of symptoms and blood results, parents can ascertain whether their child needs an urgent medical consultation.

We work within a pediatric oncology living lab, operating in a real-world environment, using iterative processes across the innovation lifecycle to create lasting impact.

Through our work, we ensure rapid prototyping, testing and bringing shared value to the stakeholders involved.

The collaboration between PSNC FL and the Department of Paediatric Oncology, Haematology and Transplantology in Poznań and the Foundation for Helping Children with Cancer is ongoing and involves further iterative development of the app.

Nasze projekty

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Waitsafe Cards


Czekanie godzinami w dusznych, hałaśliwych i przepełnionych poczekalniach w klinikach i szpitalach to rzeczywistość, z którą często spotykamy się podczas korzystania z opieki zdrowotnej. Łatwo jest zarazić się od innych ludzi i trudno jest zaczerpnąć świeżego powietrza. Co by było, gdyby połączenie z gabinetem lekarskim przyszło SMS-em?

Biblioteka Pobiedziska

Co sądzisz o bibliotece jako centrum lokalnych inicjatyw i tworzeniu nowej przestrzeni dla młodzieży czy rodziców z dziećmi? PCSS Future Labs jest partnerem biblioteki w Pobiedziskach i był zaangażowany w przygotowanie nowej siedziby, która została oficjalnie otwarta we wrześniu 2023 roku.
