#Health / Industry


Project participants

Project realization time


NextDataAI is an innovative project that integrates advanced technologies with radiology to tackle the persistent issues of lengthy waiting times for MRI and CT image interpretations. Project collaborates closely with healthcare professionals to streamline diagnostic processes.

NextDataAI commenced with the insight of Dr. Paweł Borucki, recognizing the critical need to enhance the efficiency of radiological services. Starting with an advanced Design Sprint process and gathering experts from different fields of knowledge, we identified key issues and created the concept of a solution. We then crafted the UX and UI details of the application, turning it into a realistic product.

In the first iteration of user tests, we invited doctors to use our solution. We analyzed their feedback and incorporated it into the product. Next, we conducted extensive market research and competitive analysis to gauge the global prevalence of these issues.

Adopting the Living Lab methodology, we prioritized a user-centric approach through deep user studies, interviews, and surveys with clinicians and radiologists. These interviews served as the second iteration of user tests and yielded significant “AHA! MOMENTS”, validating our initial hypotheses and refining the software’s value proposition.

In parallel, we intensively developed the business aspects of NextDataAI. Our team delineated a business model, formed a consortium, and secured necessary funding while navigating the complex bureaucratic landscape.

With a well-defined value proposition and strong end-user demand, we are ready to revolutionize the radiology field by reducing waiting times, enhancing diagnostic accuracy, and ultimately improving patient care. NextDataAI is not just a technological innovation but a potential model for future healthcare solutions globally.


Doctors involved in the project


Iterations of testing


Months of realization


The course of the project process


We conducted design sprint and came up with a solution


We involved doctors and radiologists in testing and prototyping


We conducted prototype tests on the end users


We carried out a detailed market and competition analysis


We conducted an in-depth survey of radiologists and clinicians


We have written and submitted a funding application

See our accomplishments

See our


Don't you think that despite the development of technology in industry, there are still works to be performed by people that are tedious and repetitive?


HPC4Poland EDIH is a network of 16 business and technology partners from north-western Poland aiming to co-develop and deliver advanced high-performance computing tools that meet the real needs of Polish manufacturing companies and public organizations. HPC4Poland project is co-financed by the European Union through the Digital Europe Programme and the European Funds for a Modern Economy Programme.
