
Zwierzyniecka 20 will have no secrets from us! We will uncover all the dusty stories, we will reach the oldest witnesses, and we will find photos and documents damaged by time. And all this together with Jeżyce residents, seniors and young people who will support us in these activities!


Don't you think that despite the development of technology in industry, there are still works to be performed by people that are tedious and repetitive?


HPC4Poland EDIH is a network of 16 business and technology partners from north-western Poland aiming to co-develop and deliver advanced high-performance computing tools that meet the real needs of Polish manufacturing companies and public organizations. HPC4Poland project is co-financed by the European Union through the Digital Europe Programme and the European Funds for a Modern Economy Programme.

Mali Mocni

Your child has just completed hospitalisation in a cancer hospital, but you still need reassurance if the test results during the course of treatment indicate need to contact the doctor? If so, then Mali Mocni is the app for you.


NextDataAI is an innovative project that integrates advanced technologies with radiology to tackle the persistent issues of lengthy waiting times for MRI and CT image interpretations. Project collaborates closely with healthcare professionals to streamline diagnostic processes.

Pobiedziska Library

What do you think about a library to be as a center of local initiatives and creating a new space for youth or parents with children? PSNC Future Labs is a partner of a library in Pobiedziska and has been involved in the preparation of the new headquarters, which was officially open in September 2023.

Waitsafe Cards


Waiting for hours in stuffy, noisy and overcrowded waiting rooms in clinics and hospitals is a reality we often encounter when receiving healthcare. It is easy to get infected from other people and difficult to get fresh air. What if the call to the doctor's surgery came by text message?
