#Health / Industry


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HPC4Poland EDIH is a network of 16 business and technology partners from north-western Poland aiming to co-develop and deliver advanced high-performance computing tools that meet the real needs of Polish manufacturing companies and public organizations. HPC4Poland project is co-financed by the European Union through the
Digital Europe Programme and the European Funds for a Modern Economy Programme.

European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) supports SMEs to improve their business and production processes by applying digital technologies. EDIH combines the benefits of a regional presence with opportunities available to a pan-European network. The knowledge of the local innovation ecosystem and interdependencies, equips EDIH to provide services desired by local companies, while the European collaboration facilitates the exchange of best practices between centers and the provision of end-to-end services when the required competences are not available locally. 

HPC4Poland is one of 11 European Digital Innovation Hubs operating in Poland and one of 136 present on the European stage. It focuses on the co-creation and delivery of advanced high-performance computing tools that meet real market needs. It is the Hub for the exchange of value and services between research teams, suppliers and customers of advanced concepts, methods and solutions dedicated to entities operating mainly in north-western Poland. It implements a comprehensive digital transformation offer available in one place, by increasing awareness and availability of advanced digital tools and services based on secure, reliable and efficient High Performance Computing (HPC) solutions. 

HPC4Poland has obtained European funding for its activities for SMEs and public institutions. As a result, each of the 2,700 services among their 135 types remains free of charge for interested customers as part of the de minimis assistance provided. The services focus on three areas: promotion, business, technology, and are aimed at all interested parties, operating primarily in four target industries: transport/automotive, medicine/pharmaceuticals, wood/furniture and agriculture/processing. 

HPC4Poland EDIH is a network of 16 business and technology partners from north-western Poland aiming to co-develop and deliver advanced high-performance computing tools that meet the real needs of Polish manufacturing companies and public organizations. HPC4Poland project is co-financed by the European Union through the Digital Europe Programme and the European Funds for a Modern Economy Programme. 

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Don't you think that despite the development of technology in industry, there are still works to be performed by people that are tedious and repetitive?

Mali Mocni

Your child has just completed hospitalisation in a cancer hospital, but you still need reassurance if the test results during the course of treatment indicate need to contact the doctor? If so, then Mali Mocni is the app for you.
